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dr Julia Siderska


 Obszar zainteresowań naukowych


Industry 4.0, transformacja cyfrowa, sieci neuronowe i inne metody sztucznej inteligencji, Robotic Process Automation, Cloud Manufacturing.


 Najważniejsze publikacje 


  1. Siderska J., Neural model for assessing the value of social capital, Procedia Engineering, Volume 182, 2017, Pages 643–650; doi: 10.1016/j.proeng.2017.03.172
  2. Siderska J., Cloud Manufacturing – the adoption of Virtual Production Line to soft resources analysis, Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, 2018, s. 225-233, 10.1007/978-3-319-74123-9_24
  3. Siderska J., Mubarok K., Cloud Manufacturing Platform and Architecture Design, Multidisciplinary Aspects of Production Engineering, 2018, s. 273-680, doi:10.2478/mape-2018-0085
  4. Siderska J., Jadaan K., Cloud manufacturing: a service-oriented manufacturing paradigm. A review paper, Vol. 10, nr 1 (2018), s. 22-31, 10.1515/emj-2018-0002
  5. Siderska J.,  Perkowska K., Application of computer simulation in improving the process of screws production, Research Journal of the University of Gdansk. Transport Economics and Logistics, Vol. 66 (2017), s. 89-96.
  6. Siderska J., Application of Tecnomatix Plant Simulation for modeling production and logistics processes, Business, Management and Education, Vol. 14, nr 1 (2016), s. 64 – 73.  


Podstawowe informacje

Imię i nazwisko

Julia Siderska

Tytuł naukowy





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